
论美学:从社会人类学的视角 被引量:1

Aesthetics: from the Perspectives of Social Anthropology
摘要 人类学是一个内容广泛的学科,其中生物人类学研究人类进化方面的问题,包括解剖与健康,社会人类学研究人类社会的多样性、文化及其在国际社会中的位置方面的问题。人类文化与社会结构的复杂性要求研究分析不仅局限于心理学。正如杜尔干所指出的,社会与文化具有这样的一种特性,它们影响着个体所固有的心理和生理倾向,决定它们何时被怎样唤醒。 Anthropology is a broad subject, in which bio - anthropology studies the question of human evolution including the anatomy and health issues, and social anthropology studies the diversity of human society, culture and its position in the inter-national society. The complexity of human culture and social structure doesnl confine research and analysis to psychology. As Durkheim noted, social and culture had such a feature that they affected an individual' s psychological and physiological tendency to decide how and when they were waken up.
出处 《内蒙古大学艺术学院学报》 2014年第1期19-28,共10页 Journal of Art College of Inner Mongolia University
关键词 美学 社会人类学 研究方法 考古学证据 Aesthetics Social anthropology Research methods Archaeological evidence
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