
危机UGC事件的企业微博信息采纳行为研究 被引量:4

Study on the Adoption Behavior of Enterprise Microblog Information about Crisis UGC Event
摘要 随着Web2.0时代的到来,各类社会化媒体给予每个人"及时遍在说话"的可能性。通过社会化媒体平台危机信息得以广泛大量的传播,企业也面临更大的挑战。随着越来越多的企业开始关注社会化媒体的影响力,并且通过微博、人人直接与用户进行沟通,企业如何进行在线沟通是一个难题。尤其是负面的危机事件爆发后,企业如何借助社会化媒体这一沟通工具以应对危机带来的负面舆情,是企业急需了解的。从大量的案例中提取相关数据,通过简单的数据分析对企业危机沟通决策带来的沟通效果进行解析,通过定量分析的方法找到沟通要素之间的相关关系,并为企业危机沟通干预决策的制定提供建议。 With the coming of Web 2. 0, all kinds of social media give everyone a chance of“speaking anytime and anywhere”. Crisis in-formation can be widely spread through social media platform and companies are faced with greater challenges. As more and more compa-nies begin to focus on the influence of social media, and communicate with users directly through microblog, online communication is be-coming a difficult problem. Especially after the outbreak of negative crisis, we need to know how to use social media as a communication tool to deal with the negative public opinion. In this paper, we extract relevant data from crisis cases and analyze the communication effects of enterprise communication decision. At last, through quantitative analysis, we find the relationship between the communication factors and provide recommendations for enterprise's crisis communication intervention decision.
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期128-134,138,共8页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目"面向不确定性的Web2.0用户创作内容管理研究"(编号:71231002) 北京市自然科学基金资助项目"基于微博的非常规突发事件信息沟通决策研究"(编号:9122018)
关键词 社会化媒体 危机UGC事件 危机沟通 沟通干预决策 微博信息 social media crisis UGC event crisis communication communication intervention decision Micoblog information
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