为了解决高分辨率及超高分辨率的视频数据量庞大的问题,国际视频编码标准化组织正制定更先进的视频压缩标准——高效视频编码标准(High Efficiency Video Coding,HEVC),即H.265。帧内编码作为视频编码的重要组成部分,其编码的复杂度和性能会严重影响整个视频的编码复杂度和压缩性能。为了降低HEVC中帧内编码的复杂度,文章提出了一种重新确定备选模式列表的方法,该方法根据备选模式列表中第一个模式的不同,快速自适应地确定备选模式列表中需要保留的模式,减少执行率失真优化的模式数目。实验结果表明,文章提出的算法在保证与标准测试平台HM8.0编码性能一致的条件下,帧内编码时间与原始HM8.0相比平均节省24.50%,有效地降低了帧内编码的复杂度。同时,所提出的算法能够与其它层次的快速编码方法相融合,以进一步减少复杂度。
In order to solve the huge data problem for high resolution or ultra-high resolution video, the International Organization for Standardization in video coding has been developing the most advanced video compression standard - High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), namely H.265. As an important part of this standard, the complexity and performance of intra-coding will seriously affect the compression complexity and performance of the standard. To reduce the complexity of HEVC intra-coding, an algorithm of re-determining the candidate mode list was presented is this paper. In the proposed algorithm, according to the different modes of the first index in candidate mode list, an adaptive method was utilized to determine which mode will be kept in candidate mode list, then the number of modes which are needed to perform rate distortion optimization was reduced. Experimental results show that, compared with original HM8.0, the proposed algorithm saves 24.50% on average in time for intra-coding with the same compression performance. The proposed algorithm can be combined with other level of fast coding optimization to further reduce the complexity.
Journal of Integration Technology
high efficiency video coding
candidate mode list
rate distortion optimization
coding tree unit
rough mode decision