After the Spring Festival of the year of the horse, the first animated cartoon opera entitled Land Boat Dance, which was jointly created and rehearsed by the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts and Yuncheng County, made it debut in a rural village in Yuncheng County, Shandong Province. The old style opera in addition to the new style of performance of animated cartoon made Shandong Bangzi, a kind of theatre art popular in Shandong Province, attracted an audience of many people. Moreover, the news media, such as television, newspaper and network all covered the performance.In 2010, the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts undertook the Subject of Research on the Creation of Chinese Animated Cartoon Operas for the Ministry of Culture of China. After making investigations and research, the research team found that thus far in China there was not any animated cartoon opera specially created and performed for the rural performance market, which could satisfy the cultural consumption of the rural audience, especially the numerous unattended children in the rural areas. Under this circumstance, the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts and Yuncheng County launched cooperation and decided to create the animated cartoon opera Land Boat Dance. On December 12, 2011, a contract-signing ceremony was held in Beijing. Different from the traditional theatre performances, by means of the perfect combination of animated cartoon technologies and actors' performance, a kind of new a theatrical art enabled the audience to enjoy the charm of animated cartoon opera. 'Land Boat Dance is specially created for the rural people. No matter how old the audience are, they can understand the opera. So it is welcomed by the rural people. We will continue to launch performances in the rural areas to satisfy people's demands,' said director Yu Shaofei.