
作为政治舞台的社会化媒体:框架建构与话语竞争 被引量:1

Social Media as Political Arena: Framing Construction and Discourse Competition
摘要 通过将中国社会化媒体视作政治舞台,分析在公共议题传播过程中产生的框架建构和话语竞争作用,考察不同政治行动者在此过程中扮演的角色,从而以此探讨这一符号化文本传播过程带来的理论启示。通过对新浪微博热门话题的内容分析可以发现,议题公众正在取代传统媒体成为社会化媒体上最重要的公共议题发起者和议程设置者;媒体话语仍主要在新闻专业主义的范畴运作,并试图通过专业化的框架建构延续自身的权威性;政府开始尝试在新媒体场域中直接向公众推送议程,但其生产的符号却被其他行动者转换为一种象征权力;意见领袖的主要角色在于策略性地运用框架建构扩大公共议题的支持基础,并与议题公众、媒体适时联动,共同推高公共议题的能见度。公民话语、精英话语和媒体话语的合围在一定程度上对官方话语构成了压力,但这一线上话语竞争的优势却并不足以改变线下的权力关系。 By considering Chinese social media as political arena, this study aims to empirically analyze the communication process of public issues on Chinese social media, explore the dynamics of framing and discourse competition within this process, as well as provide insights into the new media studies in general. Based on content analysis of Sina Weibo hot topics, the conclusions of this study include: Issue public is becoming the major agenda-setter instead of media organizations on Chinese social media. Media thus has to maintain their authority by framing themselves as professional interpreters. Opinion leaders may mobilize more actors into the deliberative process by strategically utilizing framing to push up the visibility of public issues. Government learned how to directly push policy agenda into the public agenda on social media, however, the symbols created by the government were captured by other actors to form a symbolic power. The union of civic discourse, elite discourse and media discourse may give pressure to the official discourse, however, this online discursive strength still could not transform into the decisive strength in the political process offline.
作者 丁方舟
出处 《喀什师范学院学报》 2014年第2期16-21,共6页 Journal of Kashgar Teachers College
基金 浙江省哲学社科规划课题"基于社交媒体的公共议题传播"(13NDJC168YB)研究成果之一
关键词 社会化媒体 政治舞台 框架 话语 Social media Political arena Framing Discourse
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