

Consensus of Fractional-Order Multi-Agent Systems with Heterogenous Communication Delays
摘要 复杂环境中,许多自然现象的动力学特性不能应用整数阶方程描述,而只能用分数阶(非整数阶)动力学的智能个体合作行为来解释。假设多自主体系统具有分数阶动力学特性,应用分数阶系统Laplace变换和频域理论,研究了有向网络拓扑下时延分数阶多自主体系统的运动一致性。由于整数阶系统是分数阶系统的特殊情况,本文的结论可以推广到整数阶自主体系统中。最后应用一个实例对结论进行了验证。 Since the complex of the practical environment, many distributed multi agent systems can not be il lustrated with the integer order dynamics and only be described with the fractional order dynamics. Supposing that multi agent systems will show fractional order dynamics and applying the Laplace transform and frequency domain theory of the fractional order operator, the consensus of delayed multi agent systems was studied with directed weighted topologies. Since integer order model is the special case of fractional order model, the results in this pa per can be extend to the integer order models. Finally, an example was use to verify our results.
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期389-393,共5页 Computer Simulation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61273152) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2011FM017)
关键词 分数阶 多自主体系统 异类时延 一致性 Fractional - order Multi - agent systems Heterogenous Communication delays Consensus
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