Flash因其灵活、方便、文件体积小等优势成为网页游戏开发的宠儿,其中脚本语言Active Script 3.0是一种完全面向对象的语言,与旧版本相比,其扩展性、可读性更强,编译速度更快,性能更高。笔者尝试使用AS 3.0编写"水手捕鱼"网页游戏,并从功能分析、游戏流程、关键技术等方面阐述设计思路。
Flash is applied widely in web game development because of its flexibility, convenience and small-size file. The scripting language Active Script 3.0 is fully object-oriented, which is more extensible, more readable, and has higher performance comparing to the old version. This paper uses AS 3.0 to develop the"sailor fishing"web game, and expounds the design idea from the functional analysis, the game process and the key technology.
Computer & Telecommunication