
江苏省杂草稻植物学性状的多样性 被引量:7

Diversity of Botanical Characters of Weedy Rice( Oryza sativa L. f. spontanea) in Jiangsu Province
摘要 分析江苏省杂草稻的生物学特性,明确该省杂草稻的识别特征和类型,为杂草稻的防除提供科学依据。在江苏省13市62个样点采集248份杂草稻样品,与当地栽培稻品种一并在南京进行同质园种植,比较观察营养生长和生殖生长的23个性状指标,并进行聚类分析。结果表明:杂草稻的60 d分蘖数、分蘖角、芒长、落粒率都显著大于栽培稻;结实率、千粒重显著低于栽培稻;另外,杂草稻的芒色、谷壳色、颖果色明显深于栽培稻,它们的生育期一般短于栽培稻。采用欧氏距离对江苏省杂草稻进行分层聚类,将其分为粳型杂草稻、高秆籼型杂草稻和矮秆籼型杂草稻3类,且大都为籼型或偏籼型。杂草稻与栽培稻在营养生长和生殖生长时期存在的差异性状可以作为识别的依据。 Weedy rice (248 accessions)collected from 62 sites in 13 locations of Jiangsu Province was grown in a homoge-nous garden of Nanjing with local cultivated varieties .Twenty-three indicators during the vegetative and reproductive growth stages were compared and subjected to a cluster analysis .Tiller number at 60 days after planting,tiller angle,awn length,and shattering rate of weedy rice were significantly higher than those of cultivated rice .Weedy rice seed setting rate and 1 000-seed weight were significantly lower than those of cultivated rice .In addition ,dark color in awn ,hull and pericarp of weedy rice significantly differed from those of cultivated rice .The growth period of the weedy rice was general-ly shorter than that of cultivated rice .Cluster analysis based on Euclidean distance showed that weedy rice populations could be classified into Japonica type,high stem Indica weedy rice,short stem Indica weedy rice,with most of them being Indica or Indica-like types .There are obvious differences in morphological traits between weedy rice and cultivated rice in the vegetative and reproductive growth stages that can be used as the basis of its recognition .
出处 《杂草科学》 2014年第1期10-18,共9页 Weed Science
基金 国家转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项(编号:2011ZX08011-001 2009ZX08012-020B) 国家科技支撑计划(编号:2012BAD19B02) 江苏省科技支撑计划(编号:BE2011353)
关键词 杂草稻 栽培稻 性状多样性 营养生长期 生殖生长期 weedy rice cultivated rice the diversity of characters vegetative growth stage reproductive growth stage
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