
国际Moodle研究的动向及启示——基于2012年希腊首届Moodle研究会议论文的内容分析 被引量:3

The tendency and enlightenment of international Moodle research: Paper content analysis based on the First Moodle Research Conference 2012 held in Greece
摘要 通过对2012年希腊首届Moodle研究会议提交的35篇论文进行集中扫描,采用内容分析法对其研究主题和关键词等信息进行量化处理和数据统计,并结合对论文摘要的定性分析,判断国际Moodle研究呈现"Moodle平台的插件程序和工具软件的开发及应用创新研究"、"基于Moodle平台的教学个案研究和学习设计研究"、"虚拟学习环境下的数字化学习方式和合作学习模式研究"等三大动向,得出"应多采用实证研究的方法研究Moodle平台应用"、"提倡Moodle的技术开发与虚拟教学方式的协同研究"、"关注Moodle虚拟学习环境下主体间的社会性交往互动研究"等对国内Moodle研究的三点启示。 After having scanned the 35 papers submitted to The First Moodle Research Conference (MRC2012) in Greece, we quantitatively processed the information about the papers themes and key words, and made a qualitative analysis of the papers'abstracts. Then we arrived at the conclusion that the three tendencies of international Moodle research are research on the development and application innovation of plug-ins and tools, research on teaching cases and learning design based on Moodle platform, and research on e-learning and cooperative learning mode in the virtual learning environment. We also obtained three enlightenments from domestic Moodle research: adopting empirical research method to study Moodle platform application, advocating collaborative research on Moodle technology development and virtual teaching, and giving more attention to research on social interaction between subjects in the Moodle virtual learning environment.
作者 潘炳超
出处 《中国医学教育技术》 2014年第2期117-123,共7页 China Medical Education Technology
基金 陕西省教育科学"十二五"规划课题(SGH12333) 陕西学前师范学院科研基金项目(2012KJ053) 陕西学前师范学院教改立项(13JG003Q)
关键词 MOODLE 会议论文 内容分析 Moodle conference paper content analysis
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