

Simple Discussion of Environmental Protection Work for Petroleum Exploration and Development of Baolang Oil Field
摘要 宝浪油由地处新疆焉耆盆地博斯腾湖湖畔,这是一个生态环境较为脆弱且极为敏感的地区,如何保护博斯腾湖水质不受石油勘探作业的污染是一个非常重要的问题。自1994年以来,宝浪油田始终把环境保护工作作为头等大事来抓,在确保焉耆盆地水资源不受污染的前提下进行石油勘探开发,建立了环境管理层层网络,制定了一系列管理制度,并始终如一地坚持执行,踏踏实实地做好保护环境的工作,使我们在6年来的石油勘探开发工作能够顺利进行,并确保了该地区的环境未受到任何污染。 Baolang Oil Field is located in the lakeside of Bosten Lake of Yanqi Basin in Xinjiang where is more fragile and sesitive area of ecological environment. How to protect water quality of Bosten Lake without pollution of petroleum exploration is a very important problem. Since 1994 Baolang Oil Field always has taken environmental protection work as first, under the premise of ensuring Yanqi Basin resources without pollution, it carries out petroleum exploration, sets up net of environmental management layer out layer, draws up a series of managing system and persists in unswervingly carrying out, does the protecting environmental work well in a thoroughgoing manner, that make us cany out petroleum exploratiom work smoothly for six years and ensures environment of the area is not affected by any pollution.
作者 魏胜臣
出处 《新疆环境保护》 1999年第4期24-27,共4页 Environmental Protection of Xinjiang
关键词 环境保护意识 环境保护工作 石油勘探 宝浪油田 Consciousness of environmental protection, measure, effect
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