
不同施肥模式对水稻干物质、产量及其植株中氮、磷、钾含量的影响 被引量:20

Effects of Different Fertilization Modes on Dry Matter,Yield, and Contents of Nitrogen,Phosphorus,Potassium in Rice
摘要 以缓释肥、有机肥为试验对象,常规肥和无肥为对照,研究了不同施肥模式对水稻产量、主要农艺性状以及植株中氮磷钾变化规律的影响。试验结果表明:与常规肥相比,缓释肥处理的水稻增产1.9%~4.0%,每穗总粒数和实粒数提高1.4%~2.2%和1.9%~3.5%,生育期没有差异,而有机肥处理较之延长2~3d;缓释肥处理和有机肥处理均促使肥效后移,水稻生长前期,缓释肥处理的肥料吸收量及吸收比例相对适中,而有机肥处理显著低于缓释肥处理和常规肥处理,水稻生长后期,缓释肥处理的肥料吸收量及吸收比例较常规肥处理高,而有机肥处理显著高于缓释肥处理;与其他处理相比,缓释肥处理表现出干物质积累前期慢、后期快,至成熟期其干物质积累量比常规肥处理增加3.0%~3.7%,收获指数提高0.2~0.4个百分点。 Slow -release fertilizer and organic manure were used as the test objects, and the conventional fertilizer and no fer- tilizer were taken as the controls, the effects of different fertilization modes on the yield and major agronomic traits of rice, as well as the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in rice plants were studied. The results showed that the rice yield in slow - re- lease fertilizer treatment was 1.9% ~ 4.0% higher than that in conventional fertilizer treatment, and the number of grains per pani- cle and number of filled grains per panicle were also 1.4%~ 2.2% and 1.9% ~ 3.5% higher respectively. There was no difference in the growth duration between conventional fertilizer treatment and slow - release fertilizer treatment, but the growth duration of rice in organic fertilizer treatment was 2 ~3 d longer than that in conventional fertilizer treatment. The fertilizer efficiencies of slow - re- lease fertilizer and organic fertilizer were exerted backward. At the earlier growth stage of rice, the sorption capacity and absorption ratio in slow -release fertilizer treatment were relatively moderate, but the sorption capacity and absorption ratio in organic manure treatment were significantly lower than those in slow - release fertilizer treatment and conventional fertilizer treatment. At the later growth stage of rice, the sorption capacity and absorption ratio in slow - release fertilizer treatment were higher than those in conven- tional fertilizer treatment, and the sorption capacity and absorption ratio in organic manure fertilizer treatment were significantly high- er than those in slow - release fertilizer treatment. In slow - release fertilizer treatment, the dry matter accumulation of rice was slo- wer at earlier growth stage and faster at later growth stage than that in other treatments, the dry matter accumulation at mature stage was 3.0% ~ 3.7% more than that in conventional fertilizer treatment, and the harvest index was also 0.2%~ 0.4% higher.
出处 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2014年第4期1-5,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Jiangxi
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑计划项目"粮食丰产科技工程湖南专项第3期"(2013BAD07B11)
关键词 水稻 产量 干物质积累 肥料吸收量 缓释肥 有机肥 Rice Yield Dry matter accumulation Sorption capacity Slow - release fertilizer Organic manure
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