
核安全独立监管的路径选择 被引量:7

Selecting the Way of Independent Regulation on Nuclear Safety
摘要 提高核安全水平需要强化核安全监管的独立性。核安全监管独立性的本质是核安全监管机构能够在不受其他主体的不当影响下就核安全相关问题做出决定,并有能力履行规定的核安全监管职责。核安全独立监管的法理基础是核安全问题的专业性要求、政监分离的原则和监管政策稳定性的需求。核安全监管机构根据其设置模式主要分为与传统行政部门合并的核安全监管机构、隶属于传统行政部门的核安全监管机构和独立于传统行政部门的核安全监管机构。核安全监管机构的独立性是一个相对概念。提高我国核安全监管机构的独立性,需要制定核安全法明确其法律地位,规定其统一行使核安全监管权,并将其设为直属于国务院的核安全监管机构或部门(委)以提高其行政级别。 In order to improve the level of nuclear safety, it is necessary to enhance the independence of regulation on nuclear safety. The nature of independence is that nuclear safety regulatory body can make decisions and take regulatory measures on nuclear safety issues without undue intervention of other bodies. And the legal basis of that independence includes the professional requirements, the principle of the separation of policymakers with regulators and the demand of stability of the regulatory policies. The nuclear regulatory body may be combined with the traditional administrative department, or belonging to the traditional executive branch or be independent from the traditional executive branch. The independence of nuclear safety regulatory body is a relative conception. The way to enhance the independence of China's nuclear safety regulatory body includes defining its legal status and authorizing it to exercise the nuclear safety regulatory powers uniformly by enacting the nuclear safety law, and improving its administrative level by setting it under the State Council directly as an agency or a department (committee).
作者 胡帮达
机构地区 北京大学法学院
出处 《科技与法律》 2014年第2期240-261,共22页 Science Technology and Law
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(项目编号:11YJA820067)
关键词 核安全 监管 独立性 立法 Nuclear Safety Regulation Independence Legislation
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