
具有缓释效果的抗茵真丝缝合线的研发 被引量:1

The Development of Sustained Release Antimicrobial Silk Sutures
摘要 近年来,经临床证实手术部位感染(SSIs)与实缝合线密切有关,因而,具有抗菌效果的缝合线已被开发,试图减少细菌在缝合线表面的粘附和定植。该文以磺胺甲恶唑(SMZ)为抗菌剂,通过对真丝编织缝合线表面涂层的方法赋予其抗菌性能,并以聚己内酯(PCL)为抗菌剂涂层处理的载体,以确保其具有长效缓释的抗菌效果。选取大肠杆菌(ATCC25922)和金黄色葡萄球菌(ATCC25923),分别对经SMZ和SMZ+PCL处理的真丝缝合线进行抑菌带宽度、抗菌持久性和药物释放试验。结果表明,经SMZ和SMZ+PCL处理的真丝缝合线均具有抗菌性,经SMZ+PCL处理的真丝缝合线长效缓释抗菌效果更优异。 In recent years, surgical site infections (SSIs) has been confirmed to be closely relative to sutures, and sutures possessing antibacterial effect are being developed in attempt to reduce bacterial adherence and colonization of on the surface of suture materials. This study was done in a bid to develop a braided silk suture with antibacterial properties by coating the surface of the suture with an antibacterial agent, Sulfamethoxazole Trimethoprim (SMZ). For the sake of sustained antibacterial efficacy, a drug carrier polymer, Polycaprolactone (PCL) was introduced as the coating agent. Antimicrobial tests against gram negative bacteria Escherichia coli (ATCC25922) and gram positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC25923) were then carried out to compare the effects of coating the silk suture with SMZ and SMZ + PCL, which included zone of inhibition, sustained efficacy and drug release assay. The results revealed that both sutures with SMZ alone and with SMZ + PCL showed zone of bacterial inhibition, indicating certain antibacterial property. The sutures coated with SMZ + PCL demonstrateda better sustained antibacterial efficacy.
出处 《生物医学工程学进展》 CAS 2014年第1期13-17,共5页 Progress in Biomedical Engineering
基金 教育部111计划,B07024
关键词 手术部位感染(SSIs) 真丝编织缝合线 抗菌涂层剂 抑菌带宽度试验 抗菌持久性 surgical site infections (SSIs) , silk braided suture, antimicrobial coating agent, zone ofinhibition assay, sustained antibacterial efficacy
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