
民营企业跨国并购战略的制度创业过程研究 被引量:2

Institutional Entrepreneurial Process:A Case Study on Cross-border Merger and Acquisition Strategies of Private Corporations
摘要 本研究采用案例研究方法,通过对中国林德集团收购德国帕西姆机场过程的分析,探索了新兴市场企业在成熟市场跨国并购过程中通过制度创业实现资源整合从而创造竞争优势的过程。本研究从制度视角探索了跨国并购的制度创业动因、机制和资源整合路径。突破了以往基于成熟市场的交易成本理论和组织学习理论通过股东收益和组织学习能力获取的传统跨国并购理论认识范式。研究发现,制度环境会影响组织通过制度创业建构合法性从而获得竞争优势资源;企业决策者的创业意愿和能力会影响企业制度创业成果;决策者意愿和能力与制度环境的互动机制影响制度创业效率;企业场域位势的嵌入程度较低以及处于业务和制度边界交界地带的企业,会实施制度创业改变企业的场域位势;企业通过制度创业跨越制度障碍形成的合法性成为企业新的竞争优势资源。 This paper conducted a case study of the takeover of German Parchim Airport by Linde Group China. It explored how enterprises in emerging markets integrated resources to create competitive advantages through institutional entrepreneurship during cross-border mergers and acquisitions in mature markets. From an institutional perspective, the study explored the motiva- tion and mechanism for institutional entrepreneurship in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and the resources integration paths. It is a breakthrough in conventional theoretical paradigm of cross-border mergers and acquisitions, which is to acquire shareholder returns and organizational learning ability based on transaction cost theory and organizational learning theory. Results show that the institutional environment will affect the institutional entrepreneurial process and results; corporate decision makers~ entrepreneurial willingness and capabilities have effect on institutional entrepreneurship; the interaction mechanism of institutional environment and decision makers~ willingness will affect the efficiency of institutional entrepreneurship; the lower the embedded level of corporate field potential and the closer it gets to business and institutional boundaries, the more likely that the field potential will be changed through institutional entrepreneurship; the le- gitimacy created when enterprises overcome institutional barriers through institutional entrepre- neurship has become a new resource for enterprises~ competitive advantages.
作者 奚艳燕
机构地区 辽宁大学商学院
出处 《管理案例研究与评论》 CSSCI 2014年第1期1-21,共21页 Journal of Management Case Studies
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"转型经济背景下企业创业机会与资源开发行为研究"(71232011)
关键词 跨国并购 制度创业 场域结构 合法性 案例研究 cross-border mergers and acquisltions~ institutional entrepreneurship field structurelegitimacy case study
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