"于屯"村北墓区为前掌大"史"氏族团"分裂"而来的"鸟"氏支族墓区,其中I I I M308和I I I M309为"鸟"氏支族具有特殊身份的高级贵族夫妻异穴并葬墓。本文对I I I M308出土8件铜礼器进行材质分析及制作工艺考察,8件铜礼器的材质以铅锡青铜为主,皆为浑铸成型,采用了金属垫片、加强筋等工艺措施来保证铸造质量。9件"鸟"字铭文铜器,"鸟"字铭文形状可分为两组,可能系两个不同铸造作坊或前后两批次铸造。
The Niao (bird) clan buried in the north of Yu Tun village was a branch of theShi clan buried in Qianzhangdatombs. The owners of tombs IIIM308 and IIIM309 were a senior aristocratic couple of the Niao (bird) clan. This paper presents the results of the exami- nation of eightbronze ritual vessels unearthed from tomb [I1M308. The results show that two bronzes were made of Cu-Sn alloy, and six bronzes were made of Cu-Sn-Pb alloy. All were casted in a single pour. "Bird" inscriptions of nine bronzes were divided into two groups, which were probably casted in two workshops or in different times.
China Cultural Heritage Scientific Research
History of Technology,QianzhangdaTombs, Bronze Wares, Technology