无动力监测技术是一种成本低、效益高、灵敏而准确的空气气态污染物平均浓度监测采样方法 ,其连续时间覆盖可从几个小时到一个月。以月为采样周期时检测范围 SO2 为 0 .1~ 2 0 0 μg/m3,NO2 为 0 .1~ 4 0 0 μg/m3,高灵敏度的检测下限可以满足低浓度背景区域内空气气态污染物的检出。其主要优点是采样器体积小、重量轻、无噪音、可重复利用、不用电、不需要技术人员、费用极低。采样器能在采样前后的常温条件下稳定几个月 ,因此能用于边远地区的环境监测。在检查模型计算和验证研究、健康影响评估、交通规划和绘制不同空气污染物在城市区域的高空间分辨率浓度分布图时 ,无动力采样器是最有价值的污染物高空间分辨率测定方法。文章所报道的是无动力采样技术的实际运用研究 ,是中瑞国际合作某项目的一部分 ,由瑞典环境科学研究院 ( IVL)与云南省环境监测中心站 ( YEMCS)共同完成。
Passive sampling technique is a high cost efficient, sensitive and accurate monitoring sampling method for determination of average air pollutant concentrations with continuous time coverage, from a few hours up to a month With a measuring range for monthly sampling of about 0 1~200μg/m 3 for SO 2 and 0 1~400μg/m 3 for NO 2 i e sensitive enouth for background measurement And it has many advantages in the field, such as, the samplers are very small, light, soundless, re usable, needless electricity and technicians,low cost The samplers are stable for several months before as well as after sampling and can therefore be used in environmental monitoring of very remote areas The passive samplers can be used to determine the spatial resolution of a pollutant which is valuable when checking model calculations and validation studies, in assessment of health effects, in traffic planning and mapping the concentration distribution of different air pollutants in urban areas with high spatial resolution This paper describes the application research of passive sampling techniques in real condition, it is a part of a sino swedish cooperation project, carried out by Swedish Environmental Research Institute(IVL)and Yunnan Provincial Environmental Monitoring Center Station(YEMCS)
Environmental Monitoring in China