
矿产资源开发中的土地流转价格评估机理及环境优化治理 被引量:5

Land Transfer Price Assessment in the Development of Mineral Resources and Environmental Optimization Governance
摘要 围绕矿产资源开发中涉及到的土地流转价格的扭曲问题展开讨论。认为地表权与地下权二者矛盾的集中体现是国家征地过程中的农村集体利益的损失,而土地流转过程中缺少合理的土地流转价格评估机制来平衡各方利益。因此,在肯定农村集体土地所有制地位的前提下,对我国土地流转价格进行了机理分析。针对矿产资源开发中土地流转的生态补偿机制缺失问题,以存在交易成本的例子进行深入探讨,对环境产权分配、环境优化治理进行了理论探析。分析指出:在建立有效的土地流转价格评估机制中,应尊重民众的客观价值及主观价值损失,并将其反映到土地流转价格中,给予合理的补偿;要推行矿产资源领域产权改革,减少政府扭曲力度,推动矿产领域的市场化进程;推动绿色财政转移支付体制、环境税制、绿色法制建设,完善土地流转补偿机制;在涉及农村集体土地流转过程中,部分实现地表权与地下权的统一,减少矿产资源土地流转中的纠纷;实现土地产权的有效分割,保证土地市场的正常运转,推动土地产权的合法性、可交易性、可流转性制度建立;在矿产资源开发中环境税应定位为体现矿产资源的国家所有权权益而针对采矿权主体征收的税种;要使环境税征收效果达到最优,需要一系列的条件以及配套改革;在政府公共服务定位、不参与市场交易的前提下,要使得社会福利最大化,需要赋予农村集体一定的环境产权,且政府负责环境治理是较为妥善的;涉及农村集体土地流转中的环境产权应是广义上而非狭义上从属于地表权,否则环境产权清晰界定将有较大的外部成本。 The article discussed the price distortions issues in the land transfer of mining resources. The paper revealed that the collective interests of losses epitomized in the rights of surface and underground rights' contradiction, while the land transfer process lacked a reasonable assessment of the land transfer price mechanism to balance the interests of all stakeholders. Thus, under the premise of recognition in the status of rural collective land ownership, the land transfer price mechanism was discussed. In terms of the absence of ecological compensation mechanism in the land transfer of mining resources, taking the example of the existence of transaction costs, the paper discussed the distribution of environmental property rights and the optimizing of the environmental governance. The article further pointed out that in the establishment of an effective price assessment mechanism in land transfer, we should respect the people' s objective value and subjective value losses, thus reflected them in the land transfer price and give reasonable compensation. We should promote the reform of mineral resources' property rights and reduce government distortions to promote mineral market process in the mineral field. The construction of green financial transfer payment system, environmental taxation, green legal system and land transfer compensation mechanism should be promoted. Part of the surface rights and underground rights needed to achieve unity in order to reduce dispute in the process of land transfer. To promote the legitimacy, tradability and the transfer of land ownership, needed an effective division of land ownership to ensure the normal functioning of the land market. Environmental taxes should be levied for mining rights to reflect national ownership interest. To reach the optimal effect of environmental tax, requiring a series of conditions and supporting reforms. To make the social welfare maximization, we should give a certain environmental rights to rural collectives in the premise of governments' role of public service. The government responsible for environmental governance is more appropriate. The environmental rights should be broadly rather than narrowly subordinate to surface rights, or the clearly defining of environmental property rights will need larger external costs.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期93-99,共7页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"完善生态补偿机制研究"(编号:12&ZD072) 陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目"陕西省低碳城市发展模式研究"(编号:12JK0141) 国家自然科学基金项目"西部区域创新环境质量评价 监测与空间差异研究"(编号:71273209) 2013年河北省社科基金项目"河北省战略性新兴产业发展中的矿产资源供给保障问题研究"(编号:HB13JJ027)
关键词 地表权 地下权 环境产权 土地流转价格机制 surface rights underground rights environmental property rights the land transfer price mechanism
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