利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料、风廓线雷达资料和珠海市地面自动气象站资料,对1208号台风"韦森特"的路径和强度进行分析,发现"韦森特"具有长时间持续、徘徊少动和短时间内强度迅速加大的特点,为近年来登陆广东台风所罕见。从环流形势、物理量场等因素对产生的可能原因进行研究,结果表明:500 hPa大气环流的"鞍型场"和850 hPa台风强风区轴线不明显等是"韦森特"原地徘徊少动的原因;"韦森特"强度的迅速加大与大气环流、水汽输送、潜热通量和高低层垂直风切变及涡散度场等要素关系密切。此外,在风廓线雷达资料上还发现风羽图大风区下沉现象对台风转向具有一定的指示作用。
Using the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, data from a wind profiler and surface automatic weather stations in Zhuhai, this work studies the track and intensity of Typhoon Vicente (1208). It was found that Vicente is characteristic of stagnating over extended time and rapidly intensifying within a short duration, which is rare among typhoons making landfall in Guangdong in recent years. From the viewpoint of circulation lituation and fields of physical quantities, possible causations are investigated and the result is shown as follows. A saddle-like circulation pattern at 500 hPa and the axis of a strong wind zone of Vicente at 850 hPa are responsible for the stagnation and little movement of the typhoon, whose rapid intensification is closely associated with the general circulation, water vapor transport, latent heat flux, vertical wind shear at the upper and lower levels and the vorticity and divergence fields. Additionally, the observations from the wind profiler also reveal that the descending of a gale zone on the wind plume map is somewhat indicative of the direction turning of the typhoon.
Guangdong Meteorology