目的探讨硅橡胶经过各种方法消毒灭菌后,材料表面粗糙度和表面接触角、表面自由能的变化。方法将硅橡胶试件分别经134℃高温高压处理30 min,2%碱性戊二醛消毒液浸泡处理10 h,1%过氧乙酸消毒液浸泡处理30 min,0.1%二氧化氯消毒液浸泡处理1 h,达到植入性生物材料的灭菌要求,另设不处理组作为对照。处理完成后,用便携式表面粗糙度仪测量试件表面粗糙度;用光学接触角测量仪测量蒸馏水、乙二醇、甘油在试件表面上的接触角,并计算试件表面自由能、极性分量和非极性分量。结果经戊二醛和过氧乙酸浸泡消毒灭菌后,硅橡胶表面质量各项指标与对照组相比无统计学差异;经二氧化氯浸泡消毒灭菌后,非极性分量与对照组相比,差异有统计学意义,其余各项指标与对照组相比也无统计学差异;经高温高压灭菌处理后,除极性分量外,硅橡胶表面质量其余各项指标与对照组相比均有统计学差异。结论在规定时间内,戊二醛、过氧乙酸和二氧化氯3种消毒液适合用于硅橡胶材料的消毒灭菌。
Objective To discuss the changes in surface roughness,surface contact angle and surface free energy of silicon elastomer disinfected by different methods. Methods Silicone elastomer samples were treated by the high temperature of 134 ℃ under great pressure for 30 minutes, soaked in 2% alkaline glutaraldehyde for 10 hours, in 1% peracetic acid disinfection solution for 30 minutes or in 0.1% chlorine dioxide disinfection solution for 1 hour respectively. Some other samples without any treatment were taken as the control. Then the surface roughness of these samples were tested by a pocket roughness meter and the surface contact angles in distilled water, glycol and glycerol were measured by optical contact angle apparatus, and the surface free energy, polar component and non-polar component were calculated. Results There existed no difference of statistical significance between the data of the surface quality of silicone elastomer after disinfection of soaking in glutaraldehyde and peracetic acid disinfection solution and those of the control; the non-polar component of the samples disinfected by soaking in peracetic acid disinfection solution was of statistical difference from that of the control while other data were of no statistical difference from those of the control ; After disinfection in high temperature under great pressure, the data of the surface quality, except the polar component, were of statistical difference from those of the control. Conclusions Within the limited time, glutaraldehyde,peracetic acid disinfection solution and chlorine dioxide disinfection solution are fit for disinfection for silicone elastomer.
Medical Journal of National Defending Forces in Southwest China
silicon elastomer
free energy