分析了现用矿用隔爆型干式变压器因不能满足资源整合矿井6 kV系统转换10 kV系统的实际情况,从而改进设计了一种一次侧可输入10 kV和6 kV两种电压,二次侧可输出3 300 V/1 140 V/660 V/380 V等四种电压的隔爆型干式变压器。改进后的变压器解决了老矿井在并入新电源系统时的难题,为矿井电力系统改造节约了大量的基建设备投资,同时在不更换原用电设备的基础上,可满足多种用电设备的不同电压需要,极大地方便了井下用电设备,具有输电设备占用空间小的特点,经济和社会效益显著。
Analyzed the practical situation which the present flameproof dry-type transformer cant’t satisfy 6 kV system convert to 10 kV system of the resource integrated mine,so a flameproof dry-type transformer was de-signed which can transform two kinds of voltage (6 kV and 10 kV)in primary side into four kinds of voltage (3 300 V,1 140 V,660 V and 380 V)in secondary side.By this innovative function,a series of difficult will be avoided for the power system working in the old mine,including capital saving in construction equipment upgrading and catering to different voltage needs for electric equipment under ground,besides the convenience of usage and running of elec-tric equipment will be improved,have the characteristics of small size,economic and social benefits are remarkable.
Shanxi Coking Coal Science & Technology
Flameproof dry-type transformer
Y-D transform
Regulating voltage of unequal turns