利率市场化作为我国利率改革的总体目标 ,是伴随着我国市场取向改革的不断推进而逐步深化的。实现资金利率市场化 ,不仅能够比较灵敏地反应货币供给与市场需求的关系 ,起着价格信号的作用 ,而且能够不断地调节货币供给与市场需求 ,起着经济杠杆的作用。但是 ,利率市场化的正常运作 ,客观上要求其调控对象———尤其是国有商业银行 ,必须形成以利润为导向的经营机制。否则 ,必然导致利率政策和货币政策一定程度上的失灵。
As a total aim for China's reform of interest rate,the marketability of interest rate is gradually deepening with the continuous promotion of the market reform in China.If realizing the fund maketability of interest rate,it will not only reflect sensitively the relation between the money supply and the market demand,to play the role of the price signals,but also adjust the money supply and the market demand to play the role of the economic levers.But,the regular operation of the marketability of interest rate,objectively requires that its adjusted objects,especially the stated owned commercial banks,form a managing mechanism guided by the interest rate.Or,the operation will lead to the policy of interest rate and money out of work in some degree.
Journal of Yunnan Finance and Trade Institute