
工作场所排斥后的应对:期望和效价的作用 被引量:1

Workplace Ostracism and Coping Strategies:The Effect of Expectancy and Value
摘要 基于期望-效价理论探讨了期望(关系修复可能性)和效价(关系重要性)对工作场所排斥后应对行为的影响。研究1采取回忆范式证实了遭遇工作场所排斥后个体将以积极、消极或不作为行为进行应对,而期望和效价对应对行为有显著预测作用;研究2在研究1基础上,通过情境问卷对期望和效价进行操纵,进一步验证了期望、效价与应对行为之间的因果关系,即关系修复可能性越大、关系越重要,个体越倾向以积极而非消极行为进行应对。 Based on Expectancy-value theory, the current study explored the influence of expectancy ( i. e., the possibili- ty of restoring the relationship) and value ( i. e., the importance of the relationship) on the coping strategies after workplace ostracism. Study 1 used recalling paradigm and found workplace ostracism could cause victims' proso- cial, antisocial and avoidance responses. Moreover, expectancy and value significantly predicted the choice of dif- ferent coping strategies. Study 2 manipulated expectancy and value via scenarios to examine the causal relationship among expectancy, value and coping strategies, namely, if the possibility of restoring the relationship was high and/or the relationship was important, prosocial strategies would be conducted.
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2014年第2期249-254,共6页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(10YJCXLX018) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2012BAI36B03)支持
关键词 工作场所排斥 应对 期望 效价 workplace ostracism, coping strategy, expectancy, value.
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