为了揭示Y型通风回采工作面采空区漏风规律,采用示踪技术,用SF6示踪气体对淮南矿业集团潘一东矿1252(1)综采工作面采空区漏风进行了现场检测。研究发现:1252(1)综采工作面采空区漏风区域广,整个沿空留巷都是其漏风汇,漏风风速与工作面位置之间呈负指数关系,距综采工作面30~150 m为该采空区漏风过渡区。
Site measurements of the gob air leakage were carried out with SF6 tracer gas in 1252 ( 1 ) fully mechanized coal face in Panyi East Mine of Huannan Mining Group in order to reveal the gob air leakage law in the working face with Y-shaped ventilation. It was found in research that the gob air leakage range of this fully mechanized coal face was wider, the air leakage existed in the whole roadway driving along the gob, the air leakage between wind speed and face position was a negative exponential relationship, and the area 30-150 m away from the face was the air leakage transition one of this gob.
Mining Safety & Environmental Protection