
《管子》“西游记”——赵自强和庞德《诗章》中的《管子》 被引量:2

Zhao Ziqiang and Ezra Pound's Use of The Book of Guanzi in The Cantos
摘要 庞德素以美国的儒家诗人著称,但其晚年创作的《诗章》第106章却频频引用法家经典《管子》。庞德怎么会对《管子》发生兴趣?他的材料从何而来?他从孔子转向管子的意义何在?《管子》又如何成为现代派文学经典的有机组成?通过挖掘史料,我们发现引导庞德关注《管子》的关键人物是旅美中国学者赵自强。本文试图兼顾人本和文本,从文化研究的视角探讨第106诗章中《管子》与德墨忒耳神话交相辉映所生发的内涵,以期提炼出该诗章表达的审美化的政治主题。 This essay explores Ezra Pound's use of The Book of Guanzi in The Cantos. Consulting rare and unpublished materials, it traces how Chinese scholar Zhao Ziqiang brought Pound's attention to Guanzi and helped him to an insight into the connection be- tween Confucianism and Guanzi. Guanzi's ideas about a grain-based economy and state- controlled currency agreed with Pound's beliefs. Mixing Guanzi into Canto CVI, Pound implies an ideal form of government, which he then tints in mysterious and esthetical colors with Eleusinian mythology.
出处 《中国比较文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期114-126,共13页 Comparative Literature in China
关键词 庞德 《诗章》 赵自强 《管子》 Ezra Pound The Cantos Zhao Ziqiang Guanzi
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  • 1Bridson, D. G. An Interview with Ezra Pound [ C ]//Ezra Pound's Cantos: A Case Book. ed. Peter Makin. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.
  • 2Pound, Ezra. Confucius: The Great Digest, The Unwobbling Pivot, The Analects [ M ]. New York: New Direction, 1969.
  • 3Qian, Zhaoming, ed. Ezra Pound's Chinese Friends -- Stories in Letters[ C ]. Oxford: Ox- ford University Press, 2008.
  • 4Stock, Noel. Reading the Cantos: A Study of Meaning in Ezra Pound [M]. London: Rout- ledge and Kegan Paul Limited, 1967.
  • 5Duyvendak, J.J.L. The Book of Lord Shang: A Classic of the Chinese School of Law [ MI. London: Probsthain, 1928.
  • 6Redman, Tim. Pound's Politics and Economics [ M]// The Cambridge Companion to Ezra Pound. ed. Ira B. Nadel. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • 7Pound, Ezra. The Cantos [ M]. 14th printing. New York: New Directions, 1998.
  • 8Nadel, Ira B. The Cambridge Introduction to Ezra Pound [ M ]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
  • 9Pound, Ezra. Selected Prose 1909-1965[ C]. ed. William Cookson. New York: New Di- rections, 1973.
  • 10Hall, Donald. Ezra Pound[C]//Writers at Work, The Paris Review Interviews, 2rid series. ed. Malcolm Cowley. New York: Viking, 1963.











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