本文对利率市场化后我国的利率结构及其形成机制进行了分析 ,并提出了进一步完善利率结构的一些建议。利率市场化后我国的利率结构主要是中央银行的再贴现率、金融市场利率及金融机构存贷款利率。这三层次的利率结构中金融市场利率是利率市场化的核心 ,中央银行的再贴现率是整个利率的基准 ,而金融机构的存贷款利率是利率市场化影响的主体。
this paper analysis chinese interest rate structure and its forming system and put forward policy suggestion for enhancing the interest rate system.After the liberalization chinese main interest rate structure is rediscount of central bank,financial market rate and deposit-withdrawl rate of financial unit.Among these there interest rate structure,central bank rediscount is the basis of the interest rate,financial market rate is the core interest rate after interest rate liberalization,while the deposit-withdrawl rate of financial unit is the body of influence of the liberalization.
Wuhan Finance