
论救市政策对信贷风险的影响 被引量:1

摘要 从美国的次贷危机到欧洲的欧债危机,席卷全球的国际金融危机冲击了各国的金融资本市场乃至实体经济。为了促使国家经济走出低迷阶段,各国竞相实施了"救市政策",包括扩张的货币政策和财政政策,这些政策有效地遏制了危机的发展蔓延,却对商业银行的信贷风险埋下了隐患。本文以美国和中国为例,分析两国实施的"救市政策"是如何影响中介指标从而给银行体系埋下了潜在信贷风险隐患的,总结出我国对于信贷风险管理需要注意的方面,对我国信贷风险的控制提出了相关建议。 From subprime crisis in U. S. to European debt crisis in Europe, global financial crisis has swept every comer of the world and exerted a great impact on finance and capital market and even the real economy of each country. In order to help the economy pull out of the slump, bailout policies have been adopted in countries, including expansionary monetary policy and fiscal policy, which have effectively curbed the proliferation of crisis. However, they have laid underlying problems for credit risks of commercial banks. This thesis sets U.S. and China as case studies to analyze bow their bailout policies influence inter- mediate target and thus cause undermining problems for potential credit risk of the banking system. Also, the aspects that China should pay attention to in credit risk management have been concluded and suggestions on credit risk control have been given in this thesis.
作者 李孟阳 杨鹰
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2014年第4期183-188,共6页 Enterprise Economy
关键词 金融危机 货币政策 财政政策 信贷风险 financial crisis monetary policy fiscal policy credit risk
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