
普陀山森林群落结构与生物多样性研究 被引量:11

Study on Forest Community Structure and Biodiversity in Putuoshan Island
摘要 利用典型样地调查方法,分析了普陀山主要森林群落——针叶林、阔叶林、针阔混交林群落的结构、生物多样性以及生物量和生产力。结果表明:普陀山3种主要森林群落在年龄结构上,针叶林和针阔混交林更趋向于衰退型结构,阔叶林则是典型的增长型结构;作为地带性植被的阔叶林在物种丰富上优势明显,其各层次间丰富度特征与全岛植被相一致,表现为乔木层>灌木层>草本层,针叶林各层次间表现为乔木层>草本层>灌木层,针阔混交林则为灌木层>乔木层>草本层;普陀山全岛植物物种丰富,单位生物量平均为161.942 t/hm2,其中阔叶林单位生物量最高,达到172.557 t/hm2,针阔混交林次之,为159.926 t/hm2,针叶林最低,为153.342 t/hm2,各层次中,乔木层生物量是森林生物量的主要部分占88.69%,灌木层占10.02%,草本层占1.29%。 Typical plots investigations were conducted on forest structure, biodiversity, biomass and bio-productivity in Putuoshan island, Zhejiang province. The result showed that in terms of age composition, coniferous and mixed forests had trend to be in degenerative process while broad-leaved forest in typical growth one. Broad-leaved forest had dominant richness in species diversity. Richness at different layers was similar to vegetation form of the island, arbor layer〉shrub layer〉herb, while at coniferous forest, arbor layer〉herb〉shrub layer, and at mixed forest, shrub layer〉arbor layer〉herb. Putuoshan island is rich in plant species. Mean unit biomass reached 161.942 t/ha, among them, biomass of broad-leaved forest of 172,557t/ha, mixed forest of 159.926 t/ha and coniferous one of 153.342 t/ha. Biomass of arbor layer occupied 88.69% of forest, that of shrub layer 10.02% and that of herb 1.29%..
出处 《浙江林业科技》 北大核心 2013年第5期74-80,共7页 Journal of Zhejiang Forestry Science and Technology
基金 浙江省科技厅重大项目(2006C12060) 浙江农林大学科研发展基金人才启动项目(2008FR100) 浙江农林大学研究生科研创新基金(3122013240140)
关键词 岛屿 群落结构 生物多样性 生物量 生产力 普陀山 island community structure biodiversity biomass Putuoshan
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