Chunyou 658 in Western Zhejiang Nanshan District for a single season rice planting, 5/20-6/9 sow-ing can be heading and filling, to 5/30. The highest yield, seed yield was lowest in 5/20, there was no significant difference of 5/30, 6/4, 6/9, 5/25 four seed yield, but there were significant differences in 5/30, 6/4, 6/9 three seed yield and 5/20 seed yield. Chunyou 658 each seed yield was higher than that of the control, the average yield of five sowing was 7441.5/hm2, higher than that of the control 7.45%, there was significant difference with control. Experiments show that: Spring 658 with high yield, high seed setting rate, plant height, big panicle, high eeonom- ic efficiency advantages, suitable for planting in Western Nanshan District, the sowing date in May 30-6 month 4 days, seedling age of 25-30 days 4s appropriate.