

On the Influence of Self Monitoring on the Impulsivity
摘要 用自我监控量表与Barratt冲动性量表对被试进行分析表明:他人导向与冲动性呈显著正相关;自我导向与运动冲动性呈显著正相关,与其他因子呈显著负相关;高自我监控与冲动性呈显著负相关。他人导向者有冲动性特征;自我导向者有行为抑制缺陷;高自我监控者无冲动性特征。 It is indicated in the analysis of the subject by use of the self monitoring scale and Barratt impulsiveness scale that there is remarkably the positive correlativity between the other-directed and the impulsivity even between the self--di- rected and the sporting impulsivity but the negative one between the self--directed and the other factors even between the high self monitoring and the impulsivity. Thus the other-directed is characteristics of the impulsivity, the self-directed has the defects in the behavioral inhibition, and the high self monitoring is less characteristics of the impulsivity.
出处 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期147-149,共3页 Journal of Anhui University of Technology:Social Sciences
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金后期资助项目(10FSH003)
关键词 自我监控 运动冲动性 认知冲动性 无计划冲动性 self rnonitoring sporting impulsivity cognitive impulsivity no planning impulsivity
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