Natural heritages include natu- ral features consisting of physical and bio- logical formations, geological and physio- graphical formations and the habitat of threatened species, natural sites or pre- cisely delineated natural areas, which are of outstanding universal value from the point of view of science or aesthetics or conservation. China is a country with the complex and varied terrains and land- forms as well as unique types of ecologi- cal system, which have created plentiful natural heritages at world level and na- tional level. However, there exist many problems such as defective laws and regu- lations, unsound management frame- work, inadequate public input and lack of scientific research in the protection and management of heritages, especially dur- ing the process of urban construction and regional development. Therefore, the pro- tection and management of natural heri- tages play a significant role in the region- al sustainable development.
Journal of Urban and Regional Planning
natural heritage
sustainable development
heritage protection and management