

The Chinese Version of World Literature
摘要 "世界文学"作为国际人文学界的一个前沿理论课题不仅吸引了比较文学和文学理论学者,同时也引起了专事民族/国别文学和文化研究的学者关注。在中国的语境下,长期以来,"世界文学"这个概念并不包括中国文学本身,而是以外国文学的身份出现,这就人为地将自己划在了边缘的地位。在与比较文学合并为一个二级学科之后,这种情况虽有好转,但仍在很大程度上仅仅满足于向中国学界介绍外国文学及其研究成果,并没有达到与国际同行进行平等交流和对话的水平,因此它在国际学界不受重视就不足为奇了。新的世界文学的中国版本,应该突破西方中心主义的思维模式,将中国文学当作世界文学的一个重要部分,并加大其在世界文学版图上所占的比重,从而加快中国文学走向世界的步伐。 As a cutting edge theoretical issue in international humanities, ‘world literature' has attracted the critical attention of comparatists, literary theorists and those engaged in national literature studies. In Chinese context, this concept has long excluded Chinese literature proper. It appeared in the form of foreign literature, which was thereby marginalized. After its incorporation in the discipline of comparative literature, it has taken on a new form as comparative and world literature. Although its status has somewhat changed, it is still merely satisfied with introducing to the Chinese academia what has been achieved in international foreign literature studies, far from carrying on equal dialogues with its international counterpart. It is therefore not so important to interna-tional academia. The reconstructed Chinese version of world literature is aimed to break through the Eurocentric mode of thinking by viewing Chinese literature as an important part of world literature.
作者 王宁
机构地区 清华大学外文系
出处 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期129-135,共7页 Academic Research
基金 作者主持的北京市社会科学基金重大项目“世界文学与中国现代文学”(14ZDA15)的阶段性成果
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