

Assessment of pesticide POPs waste disposal technologies
摘要 联用专家评估和层次分析法,对水泥窑共处置、危险废物焚烧两项杀虫剂类持久性有机污染物(POPs)焚烧处置技术和包括碱金属还原、气相化学还原、碱性催化分解、超临界水氧化、等离子体电弧、熔盐氧化、溶解电子、球磨、玻璃固化、加氢脱氯催化在内的10项非焚烧处置技术进行评价。结果表明:以水泥窑共处置技术为代表的焚烧技术,由于其较好的稳定性、可行性和广谱性,在整体评价上优于非焚烧处置技术;在非焚烧技术的应用上,应优先发展碱金属还原、超临界水氧化、碱性催化分解和等离子体电弧技术,从而提高应对复杂情况下处理杀虫剂类POPs的能力。 The disposal technologies for treating obsolete POPs pesticides,including 2 incineration technologies, namely cement kiln co-processing,hazardous waste incineration, and 10 non-incineration technologies,ineluding alkali metal reduction,gas-phase chemical reducion, base catalyzed decomposition, supercritical water oxidation, plasma arc, molten salt oxidation,solvated electron technology,ball milling,glass solidification and catalytic hydro-deehlorination, were assessed in this paper by the methods of expert evaluation and analytic hierarchy process. The results showed that the incineration technologies, especially the cement kiln co-processing, performed better than non-incineration technologies on overall evaluation due to their better stability, feasibility and broad-spectrum for treating obsolete POPs pesticides. While on the aspect of application of non-incineration technologies,alkali metal reduction,supercriti cal water oxidation, base catalyzed decomposition, and plasma are should be given priority to improve the ability of coping with treating POPs waste in complex situations:
出处 《环境污染与防治》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期43-48,64,共7页 Environmental Pollution & Control
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.51178439) 环境保护部公益项目(No.201009026)
关键词 杀虫剂 持久性有机污染物 处置技术 层次分析 pesticide persistant organic pollutants disposal technology analytic hierarchy process
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