用生物素标记的HBV DNA探针对经83~158周实验的55只树鼩肝组织的福尔马林固定、石蜡包埋的切片进行原位杂交研究。有45只树鼩接种过HHBV,在肝细胞检出HBV DNA的有30只,另15只肝内HBV DNA阴性。这55只树鼩,有41只摄入了AFB_1,其中肝HBV DNA阳性的A组22只有10只发生PLC;19只HBV DNA阴性的B组,只发现2例PLC。两组差别显著(P<0.05)。未接触过AFB_1的14只树鼩中,肝内HBVDNA阳性的8只(C组),有1例出现PLC;而HBV DNA阴性的6只(D组)无PLC发生。结果表明:HHBV和AFB_1在PLC发生中起协同作用,支持了HHBV感染与PLC存在病因学关系的观点。
55 Tree Shrews were observed from 83th to 158th week, and the formalin fixed para-ffm embeded sections Of the animal liver tissues were hybridizated in situ withbiotin-labelled HBV DNA probe. Of the 45 Tree Shrews which had been inoculated withhuman hepatitis B virus (HHBV) HBV DNA in the liver cells were detected in 30 cases, andthe rest 15 cases were negative for HBV DNA in the liver cells. In the 55 experimental TreeShrews. 41 cases were exposed to aflatoxin B_1(AFB_1). Of these 41 Tree Shrews, 22 were posi-tive for HBV DNA in the liver cells (Group A), and 19 were negative (Group B). In theGroup A. 10 cases developed PLC while in Group B only 2 cases developed PLC. Among the14 Tree Shrews not exposed to AFB_1, 1/8 of the Tree Shrews which were positive for HBVDNA in the liver cells developed PLC. No PLC was found in the 6 negative animals. These re-sults show that HHBV and AFB_1 have synergistic effects in the development of PLC, andthere is an etiologic relationship between HHBV infection and PLC.
liver cancer
tree shrew