鸦片战争后 ,中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会。严复通过自己独立的思考 ,认为中国文化的落后是中国衰落的根本原因。而文化的提升需要教育的启迪 ,因而主张通过发展教育改造整个国民性 ,塑造优秀的种族来挽救中国。虽然这种教育救国思想在当时注定会遭到乌托邦式的命运 ,但其中隐含了许多珍贵的启示 。
After the Opium War, China began to be a semicolonial and semifeudal country.After thinking for himself independently, Yan Fu believed that the backwardness of the Chinese culture was the root cause for China's decdine. The up-grading of culture called for educational enlightenment. Therefore he advocated transforming the whole nationality by education and saving the country by creationg a superior race. Although such a thought of saving the country by education was bound to be Utopian,it implied a lot of valuable revelation, which is still of immmediate signigficance today.
Journal of Chenzhou Teachers College