
民办博物馆旅游产业化及其功能属性演变——四川建川博物馆聚落案例研究 被引量:5

Tourism Development in Private Museum and Its Attribution Change: ——Case study of Jianchuan Museum Cluster
摘要 以中国目前最大的民办博物馆建川博物馆聚落为案例,通过对管理者、员工等主要人员的访谈以及现场观察,再以扎根理论的方法对定性资料进行整理分析,总结了旅游开发对博物馆三大基本功能属性的影响。研究结果表明,民办博物馆通过聚落化、主题化的建设,多元化、网络化营销,密集型、通俗化的展陈来提高旅游吸引力,实现旅游产业化。博物馆旅游产业化增强了博物馆的收藏功能,但藏品的保护与研究功能、解说与教育功能逐渐成了旅游发展的附属功能。最后探讨了民办博物馆功能属性定位的问题。 The paper, with the case of Jianchuan Museum Cluster, which is the biggest private museum in China, using the methods of semi-structured interview and participation observation, summarizes the characteristics of tourism development model of private museum, the function and attribution change of the private museum. The results are: the characteristics of tourism de- velopment in Jianchuan Museum include location clustering, construction themelizing, diversification and network marketing channels, intensive and popularizing presentation and explanation. Correspondingly, the attribution and functions of museum have changed: the conservation function depends on tourist demand instead of the museum owner, and the research funclion becomes a supplementary work of tourism development. However, with the amusing and popularizing methods, and the function of educa- tion still remains but in a different way.
作者 张朝枝 伍娟
出处 《旅游论坛》 2014年第1期11-16,共6页 Tourism Forum
基金 国家文物局科研项目(20090121)
关键词 民办博物馆 旅游产业化 遗产旅游 博物馆功能 影响 private museum tourism development heritage tourism the attribution and function of museum
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