
生防菌粉红粘帚霉制剂防治水稻纹枯病田间药效试验 被引量:6

Field Test Report about Biocontrol Fungus Gliocladium roseum WP Control Rice Sheath Blight
摘要 [目的]检测粉红粘帚霉67-1防治水稻纹枯病的田间效果。[方法]以井冈霉素为对照,设置450、600、750、900和1 050 g/hm25个浓度的孢子粉喷施感染纹枯病的水稻,定期考察病情指数,结合测产结果分析粉红粘帚霉对水稻纹枯病的防治效果。[结果]2亿活孢子/g粘帚霉孢子粉剂1 050 g/hm2处理抗病保产效果最为显著,防效为68.51%,超过5%井冈霉素水剂3 L/hm2对照的防治效果;该处理的增产效果也较明显,比清水对照组增产9.63%,比5%井冈霉素水剂3 L/hm2对照增产2.96%。[结论]该研究可为粉红粘帚霉67-1的大面积推广使用提供依据。 [ Objective ] To detect field effects of Gliocladium roseum 67 - 1 against rice sheath blight. [ Method ] 450, 600, 750, 900 and 1 050 g/hmE.spore were used on rice infected with sheath blight, the control effect was observed. [ Result] The biocontrol effects of 2 x 10s spore per gram Gliocladium wettable powder 1 050 g/hm2 treatment showed significant resistance and maintain production effects, and the con- trol effects was 68.51% , which was higher than 5% Jinggangmycin 3 L/hm2 treatment. Additionally, 1 050 g/hm2 treatment displayed obvi- ously effects on increasing crop productions, productions of 1 050 g/hm2 treatment were higher 9.63% than CK1, and were higher 2.96% than Jinggangmyein 3 L/hm2. [ Conclusion ] The study can provide basis for large area utilization of Gliocladium roseum 67 - 1.
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第34期13242-13242,13255,共2页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
关键词 粘帚霉 孢子 可湿性粉剂 水稻纹枯病 防效 Gliocladium roseum Spore WP Rice sheath blight Control effects
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