
利用工业废水培养小球藻的水质净化研究 被引量:1

Water Purification Research on Cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris with Industrial Wastewater
摘要 [目的]考察利用工业废水规模化培养高脂微藻生产生物柴油,同时净化废水.[方法]采用豆制品废水、啤酒废水、肉制品废水作为小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)生长的培养液,比较不同废水营养因子及培养条件对小球藻生长与油脂累积的影响.[结果]豆制品废水与啤酒废水能较好的促进小球藻的生长,当废水中Mg2+和无机磷的添加量分别为112.5 mg/L、60 mg/L时,小球藻的干重达到最大3.57g/L、4.44 g/L,且小球藻适于生长在中性中温、5 000 lx光照条件下,培养过程中可适量通入空气以补充碳源;在最适条件下培养结束后废水的CODcr、TN和TP去除率分别能达到72.9% ~85.1%、37.9% ~ 64.2%和30.1% ~84.9%.[结论]小球藻具有典型的氮磷去除能力. [ Objective] The technical feasibility by industrial wastewater was used as culture media for large scale cultivation of oil-rich mi- croalgae as biodiesel feedstock and treating the industrial wastewater simultaneously. [ Method] With soybean wastewater, brewery wastewater and meat wastewater as growing culture medium of Chlorella vulgaris, compare the effect of different wastewater nutritional factors and culture conditions for chlorella growth and grease accumulation. [ Result] The results showed that soybean wastewater and brewery wastewater can be better promoting the growth of Chlorella, when the optimal addition of Mg2+ and inorganic phosphorus in wastewater was 112.5 mg/L, 60 mg/L respectively, the maximum dry weight of chlorella can reach 3.57 g/L, 4.44 g/L; and Chlorella is suitable in neutral medium tempera- ture, 5 000 lx lighting, ventilation conditions for grown; After the incubation period under optimum conditions, the CODcr, TN and TP remov- al rate of wastewater can reach 72.9% - 85.1% ,37.9% - 64.2% , 30.1% - 84.9%. [ Conclusion ] Chlorella vulgaris has typical nitrogen/ phosphorus removal ability.
作者 周连宁 王波
出处 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第34期13325-13329,共5页 Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
基金 深圳市战略新兴产业发展专项资金项目(CXZZ20120618 111150009)
关键词 小球藻 工业废水 生物量 磷去除 ChloreUa vulgaris Industrial wastewater Biomass Nitrogen/phosphorus removal
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