薰衣草(Lavandula angustifolia Mill.)是一种名贵的天然香料植物,原产于地中海地区,是提取香料的主要植物。首先介绍薰衣草的由来并分析其经济价值,认为薰衣草精油品质高,气味纯正,芳香持久,不但具有药用价值和家庭保健、香熏美容功能,更是旅游观赏、美化环境的佳品,具有城市绿化、香化的功能,深受人们的喜爱。在分析薰衣草生长环境气候条件的基础上,探讨豫西山区栾川种植薰衣草的地理、气候条件适应性,认为栾川气候温润,夏不太热,冬不太冷,降水适中,日照充足,土壤肥沃,气候、地理条件非常适宜薰衣草生长。2010年在栾川县石庙镇观星村进行薰衣草引种栽培试验,经过3年的反复种植试验,引种栽培基本成功。通过引种栽培试验,从薰衣草生长对温度、水分、日照和土壤的依赖性、开花时间与温度的关系、播种和扦插繁殖与气象条件的关系、田间管理技术、气象灾害的应对防治措施和病虫害防治方法等几个方面研究出一套实用的薰衣草优质高产生产管理技术,可为熏衣草以后在豫西山区大面积推广种植提供可靠的气象保障技术。
Lavandula angustifolia Mill. is a precious natural perfume originated from the Mediterranean area, and a major plant for extracting perfume. Origin and economic value of L. angustifolia Mill. was introduced. Lavender essential oil has medicinal value, health-care functions for aromatherapy, and lavender is a quality product for sightseeing and environment beautification, and it is favored for its greening and aroma- tization. On the basis of analyzing growth environment and climatic conditions of lavender, geological and climatic conditions of lavender in mountainous regions of west Henan were explored, and Luanchuan was proved as a favorable lavender producing region for the mild climate, moderate precipitation, sufficient sunshine, and fertile soil. Lavender introduction and cultivation experiments were carried out since 2010 in Guanxing Village, Shimiao Town, Luanchuan County, and proved successful after 3 years of repeated experiments. A set of practical produc- tion and management technology for high-quality and high-yield lavender cultivation were explored from many perspectives, such as depend- ence on temperature, moisture, sunlight and soil, relationship between flowering time and temperature, relationship between sowing, cutting propagation and weather conditions, field management technology, meteorological disaster control measures, so as provide meteorological guar- antee technology for the large-scale cultivation of lavender in mountainous regions of west Henan.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences