Objective: To improve the knowledge of polycystic kidney disease with situs inversus. Method: We reported a case of polycystic kidney disease with situs inversus who presented to our institution in March 2012. The clinical data of the 45-year-old male patient were analyzed retrospectively and the related literatures were re- viewed. Result: The patient presented with right flank pain after blunt right lumbar trauma. The level of blood u- rea nitrogen and serum creatinine were 13.1 retool/L, 277 μmol/L respectively. Ultrasonography and computer tomography (CT) suggested the diagnosis of situs inversus, polycystic kidney disease, and trauma of right kidney and spleen. Exploratory laparotomy confirmed the diagnosis and right nephrectomy and splenectomy were per- formed. During seven months follow-up, the patient's renal function was maintained at a normal level. Con.clusion: Imaging examination is helpful in diagnosing polycystic kidney disease with situs inversus. Polycystic kidney dis- ease can result in renal failure, and effective treatments still need investigating. Situs inversus may remain asymp- tomatie. However, management of patients with urologic disease requires careful preoperative evaluation to dimin- ish the possibility of operative risk.
Journal of Clinical Urology
polycystic kidney
situs inversus