目的:分析潍坊市2012年疑似预防接种异常反应的发生特征,评价AEFI监测系统的运转情况。方法通过AEFI监测系统,收集2012年AEFI个案数据,采用描述性方法对AEFI监测系统运转进行评价,对AEFI病例进行流行病学分析。结果全市AEFI监测系统共收到个案1058例,其中≤1岁占77.32%,男女性别比为1.39∶1。报告的AEFI中,国家免疫规划疫苗占84.31%,其中83.18%发生在接种后≤1 d;一般反应占98.20%,预防接种异常反应占1.42%,其中过敏性皮疹占0.85%,卡介苗淋巴结炎占0.47%。估算全市国家免疫规划疫苗常见预防接种异常反应报告发生率为0.27/105~5.33/105。所有AEFI病例均已痊愈。2012年全市12个县(区、市)均有AEFI数据报告,48 h内报告率、调查率均为100.00%。结论潍坊市AEFI监测敏感性和监测质量尚需提高。AEFI 常发生在小年龄儿童、NIP疫苗接种后≤1 d,此为监测重点。
Objective To analyze the occurrence features of adverse events following immunization ( AEFI) in Weifang cit-y, and to evaluate the implementation of AEF I surveillance system .Methods The data for AEFI cases in 2012 were col-lected by the national AEFI information system .The descriptive method was carried out in evaluation of performance of AEFI, and epidermic analysis was used for these cases .Results 1 058 AEFI cases are reported.among them, targets aged≤1 year account for 77.32%, the sex ratio of male and female is 1.39:1.The cases involved in vaccines included in National immunization program ( NIP ) account for 84.31%, the cases occur≤1 day after vaccination accounting for 83.18%, the cases in common account for 98.20%, and the abnormal serious reaction is 1.42%, and allergic eruption accounts for 0.85%in the abnormal serious reaction , BCG ( Bacilli Calmette-Guerin vaccine ) suppurative lymphadenitis accounts for 0.47%.The reaction for NIP vaccines involved is estimated in a range of 0.27-5.33/105 .All cases of AEFI are recovered .Conclusion AEFI surveillance should be strengthened and focused on young children after inoculation of NIP vaccines within one day in Weifang .
Progress In Microbiology and Immunology
Adverse events following immunization(AEFI)