

Experimental Tests of Self-induced Characteristics and Damping Performances for a Differential Self-induced Magnetorheological Damper
摘要 介绍了一种新型差动自感式磁流变阻尼器(DSMRD)的工作原理及其感应特性,完成了DSMRD测试实验平台的搭建,同时对DSMRD进行了感应特性及阻尼性能实验分析。实验测试结果表明所设计的DSMRD能够输出差动位移感应信号,并能够调节磁流变液的磁化程度与产生动态变化的磁流变阻尼力。 The working principle and self-induced characteristics of a new type differential self-induced magneto- rheological damper (DSMRD) were introduced. The test rig of the DSMRD was established, and the self-induced characteristics and damping performances were also carried out on the test rig. The experimental results show that the proposed DSMRD has a good self-induced ability, and it can output a controllable damping force.
出处 《液压与气动》 北大核心 2014年第3期21-23,26,共4页 Chinese Hydraulics & Pneumatics
基金 浙江大学流体动力与机电系统国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目(GZKF-201207) 江西省对外科技合作计划项目(20132BDH80001) 江西省教育厅科学技术研究项目(GJJ13341) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51165005)
关键词 差动自感式磁流变阻尼器 感应特性 阻尼性能 试验分析 differential self-induced magnetorheological damper (DSMRD), self-induced performance, dampingperformance, experimental analysis
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