目的研究变应性鼻炎(AR)患者食物过敏的特点,探讨食入性变应原检测在AR诊断和预防中的意义。方法采用德国Mediwiss变应原体外检测系统对569例AR患者血清变应原特异性IgE(sIgE)检测结果进行回顾性分析。结果 AR患者常伴发的食入性变应原以虾(6.2.%)和蟹(5.4%)为主,其次是牛奶(3.7%)、腰果(3.5%)、芒果(2.5%)和鸡蛋白(1.6%);AR患者食入性变应原sIgE阳性率占15.1%,其中吸入性变应原sIgE同时阳性者占13.2%,单独食入性变应原sIgE阳性者仅占1.9%;儿童AR患者食物过敏率为19.7%,成人AR患者食物过敏率为10.3%,二者比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);儿童AR患者伴发的食入性变应原以牛奶、虾、蟹和鸡蛋白为主,而成人AR患者则以虾、蟹、腰果和芒果为主。结论 AR患者食物过敏常与吸入性变应原过敏同时存在,儿童AR患者应同时检测吸入性和食入性变应原sIgE,食入性变应原检测在预测过敏进程和预防过敏性鼻炎的发生中具有潜在的应用价值。
Objective To characterize food allergens features in patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) and explore its potential val- ue in the diagnosis and control of these diseases. Methods Mediwiss allergy screen system was used to detect the serum allergen- specific IgE of 569 patients with AR. Results Food allergens in patients with AR were given priority to shrimp (6.2%) and crab (5.4%) ,followed by milk(3.7%),cashew (3.5%%),mango (2.5%) and egg white (1.6%). The positive rate of total food aller- gen-specific IgE was 15.1%, the both positive rate of inhaled and food allergens was 13.2 % ,and the separate rate of food allergen was accounted for 1.9%. The positive rate of children group with AR was 19.7% ,which was higher than that of adult group(10. 3%) ,and there was significant statistical difference between two groups (P〈0.01). Food allergens in children with AR were main- ly milk, shrimp, crab and egg white, while adult patients placed shrimp, crab, cashew and mango as the main food allergens. Conclu- sion Food allergies in patients with AR frequently coexist with inhaled allergies. Both of inhaled and ingested allergens-specific IgE should be detected in children AR patients. Food allergens detection in predicting allergic process and the prevention of AR oc- curs has potential applications.
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
allergic rhinitis
food allergen
allergen-specific IgE