为了解陕西省大骨节病区的搬迁措施对大骨节病流行的影响 ,我们于 1999年 12月在永寿县两个实施搬迁的病村 ,进行了大骨病流行病学调查。结果表明 ,随着社会的发展和硒盐防治大骨节病措施的落实 ,病区的生活条件和营养状况已有明显的改善 ,搬迁措施进一步改善了居民的饮水、居住和粮食储存条件 ,使大骨节病病情下降。建议病区进一步落实搬迁任务 ,坚持食用硒碘盐 ,开展植树造林 ,种植经济作物 ,减少粮食作物的种植 ,改善生态环境 。
In order to review the effects of migration on KBD epidemiology, an investigation was carried out in two KBD villages, Yongshou County, Shaanxi Province, in December 1999. The results show that living condition and nutritious status of residents in KBD areas have been improved with social development and carrying out the measure of selenium salt. With carrying out the measure of migration, the condition of food storing, drinking water and dwelling has been further improved, which will contribute to KBD elemination in this areas. we suggest to take some measures such as increasing planting trees and other economic plants, decreasing planting grain, while continuing the measures of migration and eating selenium and iodized salt.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin