The influence of Hegel upon Das Kapital lies not only at the external influence of methodology or construction of system, but also at internal influence, such as consciousness of problem, theoretical scope, and way of thinking. Karl Marx takes the route of Hegel, through a continuous study and a critical decoding on Elements of the Philosophy of Right, The Phenomenology of Mind, and Science of Logic, reveals that modernity and its spirit of enlightenment are deeply rooted in the economical alienation of civil society, and are subject to the rule of the capitals, hence hits the heart of the contradiction in modernity. From Hegel tO Marx, it marks an extremely critical development of criticism in Western idea of modernity, i.e., to exam modernity in a total view, and to seek a self-overcoming of the rule of capital by reconciliation of spirit in its modern split, and to take a way from theoretical reasoning for an optimistic reconciliation to the revolutionary practice of changing the world.
Academic Monthly