
围生期下肢深静脉血栓形成12例临床分析 被引量:7

Clinical analysis of 12 cases with deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity at perinatal
摘要 目的通过分析围生期下肢静脉血栓患者的病例特点,总结围生期下肢深静脉血栓形成的预防与治疗经验。方法整理分析佛山市禅城区中心医院2000年1月~2013年1月12例围生期血栓性疾病的临床资料,系统分析其临床特点。结果围生期下肢静脉血栓发生于产褥期10例(83.3%),其中发生在剖宫产术后7例(70.0%);左下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)6例(50.0%),单纯发生于肢体近端DVT 9例(75.0%);股静脉血栓形成10例(83.3%);孕期规律检查9例(75.0%);卧床时间>3 d出现DVT 8例(66.7%);12例DVT患者均行彩色多普勒超声检查确诊。结论围生期血栓疾病预防在于孕期产检中注意评估选高危人群,早期进行干预,以减少围生期血栓性疾病的发生。治疗方案以低分子肝素为主,联合中成药及物理治疗为主,必要时可溶栓治疗。 Objective To make clinical analysis and summary of the experience of prevention and treatment of lower limb vein thrombus at perinatal. Methods 12 cases of deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity at perinatal between January 2000 to January 2013 were collected, the clinical data was analyzed and the clinical characteristics were sum- marized. Results 10 cases (83.3%) of perinatal period of lower extremity venous thrombosis occurred in the puerperium, 7 cases (70.0%) occurred after cesarean section; 6 cases (50.0%) occurred in the left lower extremity, 9 cases (75.0%) occurred in the proximal limb; 10 cases (83.3%) were femoral vein thrombosis; 9 cases (75.0%) were pregnancy law, 8 cases (66.7%) occurred at the bedridden time 〉 3 days. All patients were underwented with the color doppler ultra- sound diagnosis. Conclusion The perinatal thrombus disease prevention key is the assessing the high-risk population and the pregnancy inspection, the early intervention can reduce the incidence of perinatal thrombotic diseasesand. The treatment is using low molecular weight heparin, or combining with traditional Chinese medicine, physical therapy, and thrombolytic therapy when necessary.
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2014年第11期31-33,37,共4页 China Medical Herald
基金 广东省佛山市医学类科技攻关项目(编号2012 08111)
关键词 围生期 下肢深静脉血栓 低分子肝素 Perinatal period Deep venous thrombosis of lower extremity Ix^w molecular weight heparin
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