目的 研究自发性小脑出血的临床及 CT特点。方法 分析 36例小脑出血患者的临床、CT资料。结果 5 0岁以上占 97.2 % ,高血压病为主要病因 ,主要临床特征有眩晕、头痛、眼震、共济失调。保守治疗 34例 ,32例成功 ,2例死亡 ;手术治疗 2例 ,均好转。结论 本病应早确诊 ,治疗及预后与出血量、出血部位相关。
Objective To study the clinical and CT features of spontaneous hemorrhage of cerebellum.Methods The clinical symptoms and CT scan of 36 cases of spontaneous hemorrhage of cerebellum were analysed.Results The age of 97.2% patients was more than 50 years old.Most cases of spontaneous hemorrhage of cerebellum were related to hypertension.The main clinical symptoms were vertigo, headache,nystagmus,dysequilibrium.Thirty two cases were managed successfully with medicine in 34 patients.Two patients underwent surgical operation,and they all took a turn for the better.Conclusions The early diagnosis is necessary for cerebellar hemorrhage.The prognosis is related to the quantity and position of hemorrhage.
Beijing Medical Journal