以沧州市深层地下水回升数据为基础,对深层地下水补给与释水机制进行了分析,揭示了深层地下水自然释水和开采条件下释水的不同特点。结果表明,2005—2012年沧州市市区第Ⅲ含水组埋深由86.85 m降至73.34 m,第IV含水组埋深由90.18 m降至73.84 m,第V含水组埋深由105.6 m降至67.77 m,说明地下水水位逐年上升,压采效果明显。此外,随着时间的推移,水力坡度和水头差减少,上升速度逐渐减缓。
Taking the rising data of deep underground water level as a basis in Cangzhou, the deep underground water recharge and water releasing mechanism were analyzed, the different characteristics were revealed between water releasing naturally and water releasing under mining condition. The results indicated that the buffed depth in the llI water group was reduced from 86.85 m to 73.34 m from 2005 to 2012, the buried depth in the 1V water group was reduced from 90.18 m to 73.84 m from 2005 to 2012 and the buffed depth in the V water group was reduced from 105.6 m to 67.77 m from 2005 to 2012. It indicated that the underground water level was risen gradually, and the mining restriction was obvious. Hydraulic gradient and head difference were reduced with time lapse, and rising speed was retarded gradually.
Water Technology
urban district in Cangzhou
mining restriction of well plugging
effect of mining restriction
underground water funnel