
一种基于评价函数的三维矩形布局遗传算法 被引量:1

A new 3D rectangular packing genetic algorithm based on evaluation function
摘要 针对三维矩形布局问题,提出一种基于评价函数的布局遗传算法。该算法根据布局已知条件建立定序和定位评价函数,然后通过对评价函数值的比较确定布局的定序和定位规则;最后采用遗传算法优化定序和定位规则的参数。算例测试结果表明,该算法具有良好的计算效果。 This paper presents a new packing genetic algorithm based on evaluation function to solve 3D rectangu- lar layout problem. Firstly, the algorithm establishes sequencing and positioning evaluation functions according to the current packing conditions. Then, by comparing the values of evaluation functions it confirms the sequencing and positioning rules of layout. Finally, the algorithm uses genetic algorithm to optimize the parameters of the se- quencing and positioning rules. The result of test to different benchmarks shows that the algorithm do improve the packing result and do have the validity in calculation.
出处 《天津职业技术师范大学学报》 2014年第1期9-12,共4页 Journal of Tianjin University of Technology and Education
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60975046)
关键词 三维矩形布局问题 评价函数 遗传算法 3D rectangular packing problem evaluation function genetic algorithm
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