
中国渔业经济投入产出绩效分析——基于1999—2010年面板数据的实证 被引量:14

Empirical study on the fishery performance in China: based on 1999—2010 panel data
摘要 采用面板回归和DEA对1999—2010年中国27个省区的渔业经济投入产出绩效进行了总体分析和评价。实证结果表明,渔业投入要素中,弹性从大到小依次是渔业从业人员、渔业养殖面积、年末机动渔船拥有量;就年平均值而言,全国渔业全要素生产率并未得到改善,存在技术进步但技术效率降低,且全国渔业生产投入要素的利用效率不够高;渔业的技术效率存在地区差异性,其中东部地区渔业效率水平最高,其次是中部,最后是西部。这表明,我国的渔业经济还存在较大的改善空间,应该切实做好渔业技术的推广应用,改善渔业管理,调整渔业规模,从而促进全要素生产率以及投入要素利用效率的全面提升。 Using ranel regression and DEA, we analyze the input and output performance of fishery in China during the period 1999 to 2010. The results show that, elasticity of fishery input factors from big to small successively is fishery practitioners, culture area, fishing-boat ; In average, the total factor productivity (TFP) didn' t improve, technology progress improved while technical efficiency did not. Besides, the utilization efficiency of input factors is not high enough. Technical efficiency is different among regions, from highest to lowest is eastern region, central region and western region. It suggests that, Chinese fishery economy has room for improvement. We should spread fishery technology practically, improve fishery management, adjust fishery scale, and thus promote the performance of fishery.
出处 《科技与管理》 2014年第2期21-26,43,共7页 Science-Technology and Management
基金 宁波市与中国社会科学院共建研究中心2012年课题(NZKT201205)
关键词 渔业经济 全要素生产率 DEA 绩效 fishery economy TFP DEA performance
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