Vanity Fair is a masterpiece of Thackeray ,a British novelist ,in the 19th century .The novel re-volves around the fates of Becky Sharp and Amelia Sedley .Amelia ,who was born in a merchant family ,looks weak ,good-natured and gains happiness ultimately ,While Becky ,who was born poor ,looks seductive but has calculating mind ,and finally loses her husband and her son .T hackeray describes a rich gallery of characters in the high society through the two heroines .The subtitle of this novel is a novel without a hero .Because it consid-ers the whole capitalist society as the object of criticism and satire .Vanity Fair is a flashy world ,full of dust ev-erywhere ,which blinds the people’s eyes ,and at the same time blinds their hearts .
Journal of Inner Mongolia Minzu University:Social Sciences